KANJI Map Poster Competition
JLfest 2023

The competition aims at encouraging learners to develop an interest in KANJI and discover a way to learn and remember them easily by using mind-map and story-telling techniques. In the process, contestants would learn how to search for and organize information as well as to work with others within a given time.
This year contestants were given a choice of either 「上」or「下」to make a digital KANJI Map Poster.
After deliberation, the judges decided to withhold awarding the First Prize for this competition.
Saturday, July 1, 2023

2nd Prize Winner:
Heyshika V Krishna Kumar
Sanjhanaa Ragunathan
"Merupakan sebuah poster Kanji Map yang berjaya menarik perhatian para juri. Dihiasi dengan adunan warna yang menarik, susunan pembahagian kosa kata dan paparan maklumat yang berkaitan dengan kanji 上sangat jelas dan lengkap serta dilengkapi ayat-ayat contoh yang saling berkait dengan kanji 上. Ini membuatkan poster ini mudah dan efektif untuk dirujuk sebagai salah satu alat bantu pembelajaran kanji. Ini memperlihatkan peserta Team 8 sangat kreatif, saling bekerjasama dan berfikiran kritis terhadap elemen pembelajaran sesuatu kanji.
Namun begitu, oleh kerana poster ini juga merupakan poster yang direka khas untuk pembelajaran kanji peringkat asas, maka segala kesalahan ejaan dan makna seharusnya dielakkan agar para pelajar melengkapi diri dengan maklumat yang tepat. Oleh itu, salah satu lagi elemen yang harus diterapkan oleh Team 8 ialah ketepatan maklumat pembelajaran dengan mendapatkan khidmat nasihat atau semakan daripada para guru. Antara contohnya ialah 「父(ちち)の用(よう)に ガーデニング が上手(うま)い に なりたい。」Yang seharusnya ditulis sebagai 「父(ちち)のようにガーデニング が上⼿(じょうず) に なりたいです。」."

3rd Prize Winner:
Umar Wafi Zulfakri
SMK Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah
Iman Hasya Zulfakri
SK Sekysen 6, Shah Alam
"At first glance, this poster is not much different from others. However, the judges were wowed by the clear understanding of this brother-sister team towards learning kanji as well as the issues faced by learners. Attention was given not only to the positioning and labeling of the various elements of the Kanji but also to interesting examples such as the story tracing the origin of the kanji, and the picture yacht as mnemonics. And the background was littered with things in the sky dropping hints about the meaning of the Kanji makes learning fun!
However, a basic learner may not know what are ONYOMI and KUNYOMI unless they are classified under 読み方 or Reading. Words that are hardly used or unlikely to be used by a beginner should be avoided. Learning Kanji is not limited to recognizing them but also how to use them. It would be helpful if the team include sentences and not just vocabulary.
When asked why the team selected this kanji, the brother answered that his dream is to become a pilot. Including this voice in the poster will tell a great story!"
Edward Lee

Merit Prize Winner:
Ester Tan Chin Fei
Lam Zhi Yi
SMK Tinggi Bukit Mertajam
"The image of climbing a staircase from the foot of a mountain to the sky expresses the meaning of 上 very well. I like the idea that if you work hard to climb up the staircase of HIRAGANA, KATAKANA and KANJI step by step, and over the years become 上手 from 下手. The team has obviously put in a great effort in devising this creative and impactful poster.
Unfortunately, the team has been careless. There were some mistakes found in the poster. For example, the reading for "机上" should be "きじょう" and "上下" is "じょうげ". What a waste! As this team has great potential, I hope that they will try again next year. This time they may even get a 「上のAward」!"
SEKI MayumiI

Merit Prize Winner:
Gowri Ganabatirau
Lee Lih Jin
SMK (P) Methodist Klang
"Team 14 did their task well because it follows the simplicity principle in a 'language' kanji map. The colour concept was just nice and gave a good first impression. The use of pictures showing how individual words when combined with 下 form a new compound word helps a learner to understand the meaning of the compound words as well as to remember them. The use of collapsible lanterns was creative. When in use, the lanterns have to be pulled 'down'. Thus, hinting at the meaning of 下.
Presenting the information in a more obvious way could help the learners to learn Kanji better. Perhaps the team could consider 'showing a hand drawing down the red lantern' and labeling the group of information into 'meaning', 'reading', origin, etc.
Overall, this poster makes learning fun and effective which could be emulated by other teams. Well done!"
There was no entry received under Category B.
Finalist Teams
Category A (Below 18 yrs old)