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Learning Japanese is Fun!

This festival has been organized annually since 2006 with the aim of providing a venue for students to interact in Japanese and deepen their understanding of Japanese culture through various activities. Since 2021 the festival has been held online.


The objectives of the festival are: -


  1. Enhancing understanding and interest in Japanese culture and language through hands-on experience;

  2. Enhancing cultural understanding and language proficiency/skills while cultivating teamwork & 21st Century skills;

  3. Raising awareness on the merit of learning Japanese; and

  4. Enhancing learning motivation through interactions and networking.

Organized by

The Japanese Language Society of Malaysia (JLSM)

a member of JF Nihongo Network (Sakura Network)

With Support from

  • The Ministry of Education Malaysia

  • The Embassy of Japan in Malaysia

  • The Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur

  • Various NPOs

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