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When and where would JLfest be held?

The festival usually commences in the month of May for about 3 months.  It will be held onlineRegistration as a festival participant usually starts a month before unless otherwise stated.

Must I register as a participant to join ALL events at the Festival?

NO, you don’t have to if you only wish to:

  1. Listen to the interviews or view competition videos posted on the website; and

  2. Take part in the "Let’s 5-7-5" competition and 'Snap a Shot, Share a Thought' Photo Caption Competition


YES, if you wish to:

  1. Participate in the workshops and competitions

  2. Interact with others in the Online Cafe and Reading Sessions; and 

  3. Receive an e-certificate of participation at the end of the festival.


You only need to register once. Once you have paid the participation fees, you may join as many events at the festival as you wish, subject to their respective conditions.


To register, please go to the Join us page.

Can anyone be a JLfest participant?

Yes, all are welcome.

However, please take note that some competitions disallow Japanese language teachers or Japanese citizens to take part. Hence, it is good to double-check the requirement of the event you wish to participate before you register.

What is ORPS?

It is JLfest's Online Registration and Payment System. 

You may access to the system here.

How to make payment?

Individual Payment

Log in to your account at ORPS using your email address and password.


Click payment and then follow through with the transaction.


Once your payment is confirmed, you shall receive a Registration Confirmation Number.

Group Payment

Group leaders/teachers may pay on behalf of their members/students if they are registered with ORPS.

How do I register as a Group Leader or Teacher

This facility allows you to make payments on behalf of your members or students. 

Step 1

Log in to ORPS with your email address.

(If you have registered as a participant earlier, you may use the same email address and password)

Step 2

Once you received the verification code in your email, select the 'Group Leader/Teacher' category and continue with the registration process.

Step 3

Once your registration is confirmed, you will receive a Group Reference Code in a day or two. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: A group leader or teacher is NOT considered a participant of the festival unless they have registered separately as a participant. 

How does a Group Leader or Teacher pay behalf of their members or students?

IMPORTANT NOTE: Ask your members/students to select your Group Reference Code in their respective accounts on ORPS. Once they have done so, you may proceed with the following steps.

Step 1

Log in to your account with ORPS. You should be able to see your members/students' data.

Step 2

Select them and click payment. Bank transfers, major credit cards and e-wallets are acceptable.

Step 3

Once your payment is confirmed, your members/ students shall receive their Registration Confirmation Number

FAQ Group payment


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