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Useful tips for JLPT N4

Hi guys, I’m Hadif and im a 3rd year electronic system student in UTM MJIIT. For this week, I will be writing on how to study for JLPT N4 effectively. Since I already passed my JLPT N4, I will share my methods of studying and I hope you guys can learn something from this post!

Firstly, for me the most important things in studying for JLPT is vocabulary. If you did not memorise all of the vocabulary for N4, it will be very hard for you to understand the questions thus you cannot answer the questions. My way of memorising vocabulary is the same like everyone else, which is just reading repetitively until I memorised it. But that’s not all, when I am outside, I will try to search for something, anything and try guessing the names of that things in Japanese. This will greatly help you to memorise it. It called practical way of memorising. Listening to Japanese song and watching dramas can also help you recognise some of the vocabs and help you memorised it!

Next important thing after vocabulary is grammar. Everyone knows Japanese grammar is one of the hardest grammars in the world. It sentences structure are very different from English and Bahasa Malaysia. I think for grammar you need at least a Japanese friend or a reliable youtube Japanese teacher who can teach you grammar for JLPT. Some may say that, they already watched so much animes, dramas, and listened to Japanese song. But trust me sometimes what we understand is actually different from Japanese people. So, by having a Japanese friend, you can refer to them and ask them for guidance so that you will not get lost in understanding their grammar. So be careful guys!

Finally, let’s not forget kanji. One of the hardest writings in the world, but let be positive if Japanese kids can memorise and read it, then we also can! Here is my way of memorising the kanji, this method is actually very popular around the world. The method is by referring the kanji to an image which symbolize the meaning of the kanji. Study says that people can memorise easier when there are pictures or images. Another way is by writing it repetitively in a notebook. While writing it, say the kanji pronunciation out loud and you can memorise it quickly! You can trust me on that. I think JLPT N4 has around 200 kanjis, and in the test, it will also combine with N5 kanji. So better be prepare!

Hope that you will find these tips useful. If you have used these methods, let us know about your experience. And if you have other ways on how we can master Japanese easier or quicker, do share with us here!

About myself:

Name: Hadif

Occupation: Student

Hobby: playing guitar

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